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Връх Ком със снегоходки

1 Day
23 March 2025
Organized or own transport

Кой не е чувал за известния маршрут Ком – Емине? Нека видим това начало като се изкачим до най-високата точка на Берковския дял на Стара планина - известният връх Ком (2016 м.). А от красотата му дори Иван Вазов се е удивил.

Преходът е подходящ за първи стъпки в зимната планина със снегоходки.

Tour Highlights
  • връх Ком (2016 м)

Tour Itinerary

Meeting 7:00 AM - Sofia, the parking lot in front of the Vasil Levski National Stadium.

Потегляме посока Берковица (хижа Ком). Трансферът е около 2 часа и 15 минути.
9:30 - След като пристигнем до хижа Ком, водачите правят кратък брифинг на групата, инструктаж и проверка на екипировката. Слагаме раничките на гръб и потегляме да изпълним плана за деня.

Темпото ще е умерено и съобразено с всички участници. Движейки се сред гористия пояс, неусетно достигаме билото. Вече може да започнем да се наслаждавате на  снежните гледки около вас. След още известно време ходене по билото достигаме връхната точка (2016м). Отделяме време за почивка, леко хапване, чаша чай от термосите и снимки. Панорамите наистина те карат да мечтаеш някой ден да стигнеш от тук чак до нос Емине.

Доволни от изкачването потегляме обратно.

Estimated drop-off time 7:00 PM.

Distance: 14.0 km
Ascent (+): 650 meters
Descent (-): 650 meters
Time: 5 hours and 30 minutes
Number of peaks: 1
Price Includes
  • Mountain insurance with limit - 1,000 lv.
  • Transportation during the program
  • Licensed montain guide
  • Showshoes
Compliment from the agency
  • Showshoes - snowshoes may be required during this program. If you don't have one, we will provide it to you completely free of charge
Price Excludes
  • Food
  • Personal expenses

  • In the event of a change in weather conditions during the tour or other unforeseen situations, the guide may change the route or offer another alternative option to the participants for their safety.
  • If the program cannot happen due to bad weather forecast, the organizer will refund 100% of the price to the participants
  • In order to take part in the tour, you must be in good physical health and condition, and notify the organizer in case you have any illnesses or injuries
  • If the number of participants is less than the minimum 6 and the program will not happen, the organizer will notify all registered participants up to 7 days before the event
  • Discounts cannot be combined

Winter trekking equipment


High shoes with hard sole and membrane

Spare socks


Headlamp - An absolute must-have accessory for every mountaineer. It may be necessary for the group to start a trek very early or finish the trek in the dark (force majeure). In these situations, each participant must have a headlamp. We recommend going with a proven brand like Petzl or BlackDiamond

Spare batteries


About 40 liters backpack - Quite enough for one or two day hikes. Please come to treks with a backpack suitable for trekking. Very often, each participant needs to attach snowshoes to their backpack, and this cannot happen with urban backpacks

Backpack cover - in case of rain or snowfall

Clothing top

Тhermal base layer


A down jacket or other jacket with synthetic insulation

Wind and water proof jacket


Gloves - 3 pairs of gloves, one thin, one medium thick and one for very bad conditions


Clothing bottom

Тhermal bottom base layer

Winter pants


Sun protection


Sun cream with high protection

Water and food

Water (1.5 liters)

Food for the trek

Money and documents


ID or passport


First aid kit

Trekking poles with winter feathers

Cancellation Policy:

Чл. 89. (Изм. – ДВ, бр. 37 от 2018 г., в сила от 01.07.2018 г.) (1) Пътуващият има право да прекрати договора за туристически пакет по всяко време преди започването на изпълнението на туристическия пакет.

The tourist owes a penalty as follows:

  • 20 or more days before tour start: - No penalty
  • Between 19 and 14 days before tour start: - 30% from the price
  • Between 13 and 7 days before tour start: - 60% from the price
  • Less than 3 days before tour start: - 100% from the price

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Cancellation Policy:

Чл. 89. (Изм. – ДВ, бр. 37 от 2018 г., в сила от 01.07.2018 г.) (1) Пътуващият има право да прекрати договора за туристически пакет по всяко време преди започването на изпълнението на туристическия пакет.

The tourist owes a penalty as follows:

  • 20 or more days before tour start: - No penalty
  • Between 19 and 14 days before tour start: - 30% from the price
  • Between 13 and 7 days before tour start: - 60% from the price
  • Less than 3 days before tour start: - 100% from the price
  • In the event of a change in weather conditions during the tour or other unforeseen situations, the guide may change the route or offer another alternative option to the participants for their safety
  • If the program cannot happen due to bad weather forecast, the organizer will refund 100% of the price to the participants
  • In order to take part in the tour, you must be in good physical health and condition, and notify the organizer in case you have any illnesses or injuries
  • If the number of participants is less than the minimum and the program will not happen, the organizer will notify all registered participants up to 7 days before the event
  • Discounts cannot be combined